Verandr Philosophy

Deploy early and frequently

Some of the key findings in the book Accelerate: Building and Scaling High Performing Technology Organizations indicate that the most successful companies deploy 46 times more frequently and are able to go from conception to deployment 440 times faster.

Instil a production mindset

We strive to have a production environment up and running as early as possible in the project. Doing this ensures our development lifecycle is fully functioning and conditions the team to be mindful of breaking changes. It also gives customers a place where they can demo the latest features to investors, stakeholders, and their friends!

Get code to production fast

Code shouldn’t sit in a develop branch for a long time. Once code is committed, it should go through a fast, automated process to deliver it to end users as fast as possible. This cannot be achieved without the supporting frameworks in place, like automated tests, linting, CI/CD and configuration management.